Wednesday, 30 April 2014

It's only 11 more sleeps until we leave on our big adventure. Last training walk will be Sunday at Ohariu farm! Flight leaves 6.45 am Monday 12 May. Yipee!


1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Virgnia Here :) Just got a student to show me how to get onto the sight..Photos look great. I stood in my dressing gown on the front lawn in the darkness and waved your plane off. Felt so sad. But seeing your photos feel so happy that you are having a great time. Wish I was there.
    This must be the first time ever that all three of us have been so far apart.
    All good at home. Mum and Dad fine will spend time with them tomorrow and Sunday. Keep those photos rolling.
    Love you heaps Love Pin
