Saturday, 24 May 2014

24 May - Ribadesella

Today's  30 km  trek from Llanes was blessed  with an unexpected sunny day and a cooling alpine-coastal breeze across off road tracks. Saw our first  camino cyclists,  many camping grounds, surfers and stunning beaches. The villages we walked through seemed to be weekend or holiday homes - having an air of not being inhabited. A Saturday market was a welcome relief - fruit! As was our hotel .... another night as 'Queens' whilst our fellow pilgrims are slumming it in what they describe as a 'not pleasant' albergue.


  1. 405 km to go

    1. Only if we did the highways. Distance is undetermined as what we have learnt is the distances are measured by road. When you do the off road tracks, as we are to avoid the highways, it is longer. We have walked about 140 km already which means we have 480km left. :-)

  2. Hi, I am really enjoying watching your travels. How are the feet holding up and how have the temperatures been to walk in. The plastic tables and chairs bring back memories. They are a welcome sight cos you can stop coffee.
    Buen camino. Peter Hicks

  3. Temp 4degrees at night up to 8-12 during the day.if sunny then up to 30 degrees. VERY grateful for Wellingt as a training ground with its hills coffee and wine culture! Feet are all great , its just the 50 year old joints and contant pounding. Hopefully they last. Big day tommorru off yo Gijon 30 kms we think then one day rest. Feel quite addicted to daily walking and no responsibilities or worries. . Glad your enjoying the blog we cant see who is actually reading it!
