Wednesday, 28 May 2014

27 May Gijon

We left a 6º Villaviciosa a singing 'always look on the bright side of life' not quite pitch perfect and appreciating the crisp fine day and the company of 12 other pilgrims. With  a  30km trek and several 220m sharp  ascents with confusing waymarkings to Gijon, hitting the road at 730am was essential.  The beautiful day matched the great climbs,  tranquil and remote countryside which at times was slippery under foot thanks to yesterdays torrential downpour.

The first cafe we came across was closed at 11am. Two delivery men arrived and started calling out to Maria to open up, but she was did not. Even with Jude's docile tones to support the guys Maria was not stirred into action! So 24km into the trek we found the only other outlet enroute! Needless to say the plastic chairs and sun umbrellas made the coffee and stop over perfecto! Fueled we then  did the 2.5 hour walk from the outskirts of Gijon to the CBD and our hotel. This walk took us through suburbs oozing great wealth ...a stark contrast to the rundown and deserted villages from the past 9 days.

Today marks 208 kms walked, although our 'actuals' has it at 238kms! Hopefully we will continue to be efficient with our map reading and be nice to our tootees! Tomorrow is a rest day and we are in our first major city for 9 days ... yeha!

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